Why not? Coaching helps people come to new self-awareness that translates into new behaviors and changed habits. It’s goal-oriented and time-bounded to help make change happen without judgement. Who wouldn’t want that kind of support?
What is coaching?
It's a way to move you from here to there, wherever here is and wherever you want there to be. We figure out your goals together and take concrete steps each week to help you get there. There is not a singular process because you are a unique individual and because you are the expert on you. The coach couldn't possibly know you better than you do. The coach asks questions and helps create awareness so that you can move closer to becoming who you want to become.
So it's like therapy?
Not really. Therapy digs into your past problems and helps you come to terms with who you are. Therapists often give advice and homework and are seen as more knowledgable than their clients. Coaching takes who you are at this moment, and you decide what you need. That may mean a problem to solve or a new awareness to realize. Coaches partner with you to help you figure out your own goals and homework to get there, but we don’t give advice like a therapist might.
Who is nerd coach?
It’s actually just me, Tracy Winter. Did it sound like an army of coaches?
But who are you?
Well, that’s a big, existential question, isn’t it?Right now and for the last 10 years, I’m a coach helping bright people to be seen and heardand to understand others.I’m also a pretty good daughter, sister, aunt, and friend. I’ve been lots of other things including a legislative analyst, a tap dancer, and an adjunct professor. But right now, I'm someone who wants to help you.
What makes you qualified to help me?
I’ve practiced for over ten years after earning my coaching certification. I've trained to use the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), EQi-2.0, and EQ360 assessments as frameworks to help you. I also earned a PhD in Human Development studying people like you, gifted adults and their particular social-emotional needs.Yep, I said it—GIFTED.
But I'm not gifted!
All right, sure. But your kids are, right? Or maybe a brother or sister? Not you, though, you just work hard, come up with crazy ideas, and aren’t sure why people don’t understand you. But sure, you’re not gifted. ;)
Why should I trust you?
You should trust me because I’m one of you. I know what it’s like to express an exciting idea and have others look at me like I have two heads. I know what it’s like to try to make sense of people’s behavior and fail over and over. I know what it’s like to feel deeply but cover it with reason, even from myself. I know what it’s like. And I know how to help.
nerd coach helps smart people develop their soft skills to be successful at work.